Insert House
With the help of this function, you add houses to players on profiles. So you can see what houses he owns when you enter his profile
local houseID = 1
exports['syn-acp']:insertHouse(citizenid, 'House Name', houseID)
Insert House - Parameters Description
houseID => Parameter Description:
The unique identifier for the house.
citizenid => Parameter Description:
The unique identifier for the curerent housw owner
Update House Owner
This function helps you update the houses on the players' profiles when a transaction between players occurs
local newOwner = 1 -- New Owner Citizen ID
local oldOWner = 2 -- Old Owner Citizen ID
local houseID = 1 -- House ID
exports['syn-acp']:updateHouse(houseID, oldOWner, newOwner)
Update House - Parameters Description
houseID => Parameter Description:
The unique identifier for the house.
newOwner => Parameter Description:
The unique identifier for the new house owner.
oldOWner => Parameter Description:
The unique identifier for the old house owner.
Remove User House
This function helps you delete a house from a player's profile.
exports['syn-acp']:removeHouse(citizenid, houseID)
Remove House - Parameters Description
houseID => Parameter Description:
The unique identifier for the house.
citizenid => Parameter Description:
The unique identifier for the curerent housw owner